

Well, if I learned anything from the first time I made this blog, it is to make sure that whatever site you are using is easily accessed and edited while in China. While VPNs are easy enough to come by to "jump the Great Firewall", it makes things a whole lot easier if you don't have to... plus, your VPN is always guaranteed to work.

So, because blogspot.com is powered by Google, and Google is not permitted within Mainland China -- you are redirected to Google Hong Kong and even then still have limited access -- I have decided to create a more China-friendly blog.

I have made a blog account on Sina (新浪). Here is the link to my new blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2752459823 [Here is an easier link to remember: http://blog.sina.com.cn/feffelli ] As I get more familiar with this blogging platform, I may try to post some helpful tips here (or on there) to help Chinese illiterate readers better navigate.

Also, I leave for China in eight days and am incredibly anxious to finally return.

Also, some updated about the Chinese Consulate in Chicago:

1) Payment/ Pick Up Options:
As of July 2013, they have discontinued the same day rush service. So, you (American citizens) either can pay $140 and pick up their visa 4 business days later or you can pay $160 and pick up the visa in 2 business days. Again, you can pay by credit card or cashier's check. Cash and personal checks are not accepted.

2) Visa Application Form:
As of September 1, 2013, there is a new form for visa applications. It should say V.2013. I would check the website for the Chinese Embassy (in Washington D.C.) for questions about visas. They have more detailed descriptions of the different types of visas and what paperwork you need.

3) Supplemental Paperwork:
If you are submtting your visa and some of your paperwork is missing or incorrect and needs to be fixed, they may still take your application and begin processing. If they give you a pink receipt, that means they will process the visa and actually accepte the missing paperwork when you return to pay! So a silver lining to everything.